LIP6 UPMC CNRS Move-team Macao FrameKit CPN-AMI
LIP6 > Software > MoVe Sofware > FrameKit > History

Features of the current version (2.2 - October 20, 2009)

New functions:

  • This version fixes some bugs when tools handling large models generate too much data


  • eleventh version to be available on the Web.

Features of previous versions

version 2.1.1 (October 15, 2007)

New functions:

  • This version runs on Macintel (native mode)


  • Tenth version to be available on the Web.

version 2.1 (May 10, 2006)

New functions:

  • Dramatic speed up of the transmission of huge results (typically, large generated Petri nets produced using PetriScript or the new optimized unfolder)
  • This version also runs on Macintel (emulated mode)


  • Ninth version to be available on the Web.

Version 2.0 (June October 10, 2005)

New functions:

  • Port to MacOS X completed (tested on versions 10.3.9 and 10.4.x),
  • New deployment mechanisms integrating distribution and reconstruction of FrameKit and associated tools (used for CPN-AMI diffusion).


  • Eigth version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.5 (June October 25, 2004)

New functions:

  • Bug fixed in the user interface proxy, it does not crash anymore when the user interface crashes,
  • New distribution system entirely based on the gnat compiler SunOS and Solaris architecture are no longer supported (no more machine for compilation;-).


  • Internal diffusion in our lab and in classrooms for master students.

Version 1.4.5 (June 15, 2002)

New functions:

  • Bug fixed in user administration: it is now impossible to create a user having the same login of an existing one,
  • Change in user management: users are now stored by alphabetical order,
  • Minor modification in the management of multi-target architectures,
  • Minor modifications in the management of kits to support the possibility of having structured menus (as CPN-AMI does now).


  • Sixth version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.4.4 (January 4, 2001)

New functions:

  • Modifications in the kit management system (installation and compression) to use appropriately tar (from gnu) and compress according to various standards in Unix (SunOS, Solaris, Linux).


  • Seventh version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.4.3 (June 15, 1999)

New functions:

  • New Ada API to handle modification of the current model by tools,
  • Bug fixed, services menus were unlocked to quickly,
  • Bug fixed, selected objects are transmitted in their selection order to tools (it was the reverse order),
  • Bug fixed, new operator overloading for a smoother use of API,
  • FrameKit nos speaks german, thanks to Jörg Kienzle,
  • FrameKit is now completely ported under Linux (no more complex socket binding problems with gnat version 3.11p).


  • Fith version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.4.2 (October 23, 1998)

New functions:

  • User administration tool: bug fixed, hiding the user list no longer generates two operations dialogs in a raw.
  • User administration too: in user mode, user's attributes are automatically displayed (no longer required to click on the user's name).
  • Very rare bug fixed in the session_server (when services require both designated objects and optional parameters, optional parameters were never set).
  • Typo problem fixed in administration menus (in some option for the log message tools, this caused a crash of the corresponding tool).
  • Bug fixed in manage_user: it is now impossible to delete the Administrator.
  • New language management in service description (makes tool declaration easier). This introduces a major incompatibility between installer 1.4.1 and 1.4.2.
  • Protocol extensions for model change (corresponding to a new management approach for multi-sessions connections in Macao).
  • Bug fixed in both Ada and C APIs to automatically prevent display of too long strings in the Macao User Interface (strings are splitted).
  • Enhanced protocol between Macao and FrameKit to improve security in multi-session mode. Warning: it requires Macao version 2.7 or later to run properly.
  • Minor modifications to the Service description files syntax to take into accounts extended Macao possibilities (activation of a service only when one/some object(s) is/are selected). Warning: this means that there may be some incompatibility whith services description files validated with a previous version.
  • Important: FrameKit 1.4.2 resuires Macao version 2.7.


  • This version was used in the MATCH Petri net summer school (Jaca, September 1998).
  • Fourth version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.4.1 (March 15, 1998)

New functions

  • FrameKit ported under Solaris 2.5.1 for Ultra-Sparc with gnat 3.10p (execution problem with the old Alsys compiler). Some bug fixed for this occasion.
  • New features in the Ada API for interactivity between Macao and FrameKit: when only one choice is available in a selection dialog, the interactivity is shortcutted.
  • Better checking of Device problems (essentially disk full).
  • Space consumed for storing information related to a model is now displayed when a service is launched.
  • Bug fixed in the generation of multi-line text using the User Interface API. It is now possible to have two identical lines,
  • FrameKit now speaks spanish (thanks to Joaquìn Ezpeleta Mateo, from the University of Zaragoza, España)


  • Third version to be available on the Web.

Version 1.4.0 (December 19, 1997)

New functions

  • New organization of the web site.
  • Bug fixed in the administration tool display_config. The check_mark detailed results (platform menu) is not required any more to get the configuration on the historic window;
  • Bug fixed in the administratiion tool manage_users. Changing attributes of a user does not unsubscribe him from all groups any more;
  • Two bug fixed in the administration tool admin_kit:
    • It does not create double references to service files in a Formalism root reference file;
    • It does not mix the content of several fk_basic_info files during cross installation of platforms.
  • Admin_kit now announces it has successfuly finished a kit installation. It also accepts a new option "-files" to specify a list of kits to be installed (this ease the installation of a list of kits);
  • Implementation of cache system. It speeds up the menu construction of menu by more than 2;
  • Correcting a small bug in the construction of formalism kits;
  • New administration tool that allows invalidation of a menu cache for all users, a given user or a given group;
  • Full implementation of remote sessions: it is now possible to quit Macao (or close a session) while a service is running. If you mention that you want this service to remotely finish its execution, you may get results in a later session. Caution: This is possible for non interactive services only;
  • The script that starts/stop FrameKit know store the user id of the one who started FrameKit and he is the only one able to stop if now;
  • Added a new mechanism to display an help line when a mistake occurs (Ada API);
  • Various minor bugs fixed (encoding of SESSION_VARIABLE CAMI command, controlled shutdown when a bad file is referenced in the SEND_CAMI_FILE CAMI command),
  • Implementation of a mechanism that handles interruption of services by a user (who clicks on a stop button). This mechanism if fully supported in the Ada APIs,
  • Bug fixed in the menu management system that was causing crashes,
  • Bug fixed in the FrameKit command (date format under various Unix systems),
  • FrameKit instaler now allows to include directoiries in kit distribution (required to distribute prod),
  • A few minor bugs fixed in the hierarchical model management APIs (Ada),
  • Bug fixed in the management of some low-level commands (essentialy, remove/copy/move of files/directoy having spaces in names),
  • admin_caches now handle access permission problem in workspaces when deleting menu caches,
  • admin_kit now display usage manual when no parameter is provided,
  • Huge speed up for the primitive that sends a text file to Macao historic window (in Ada APIs),
  • the session_server does not crash any more when a cancel service message unfortunately arrives after the end of the service to be canceled (this unfortunate synchronization with the user happens sometime;-),
  • Optimization of interactive dialogs in the Ada APIs. It is much faster between Macao and tools now,
  • Full management of Macao designated objects when selecting a service (option INFO_OBJECT in the corresponding service description) in the Ada APIs. Useful for an function that requires such an information to run,
  • New administration tool: display_statistics that display usage statistics in terms of service invocation,
  • Admin_user also runs in a downgraded mode to allows one to change his/her attributes (password and workspace so far). This service automatically appear in the standard service menu,
  • Passwords are now encrypted,
  • new version of the shell script invocation program (fk_invoke_script) that now support interruptions coming from the Macao user interface,
  • a new FrameKit environment variable is exported for shell scripts tools: FK_CRT_MODL_PATH that contains the model directory path (in which scripts are executed),
  • the kit construction (and installation procedure) only requires compress and tar (that are Unix standard) instead of gtar. Kits are bigger but the procedure does not requires non standard stuff to be installed (user's requirement). This introduces a major incompatibility between installer 1.3.8 and installer 1.4.0.


  • liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI),
  • Second version available on the Web.

Version 1.3.8 (December 03, 1997)

New functions

  • introduction of environment variable FK_CRT_MODL_PATH that contains the model directory path (in which scripts are executed),
  • new version of the fk_invoke_script program (now in Ada) that enables shell script to be interrupted from the Macao user interface.

By the way the interrupt instruction has now changed from FRAMEKIT_INTERRUPT to IT for the pleasure of Jean-Luc and old C-API implementation features (this is a major incompatibility that enforce recompilation of all tools running under FrameKit 1.3.7).


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory.

Version 1.3.7 (November 23, 1997)

New Functions

  • management of Macao designated objects,
  • display_statistics administration tool,
  • Encrypted passwords,
  • user personal administration facilities,

By the way, mechanism to handle interuptions from a user (introduced in 1.3.5) is now better supported at the API level (Ada only so far). Porting to Linux is almost done with gnat 3.10p (an accept problem, dus to the thread library used in gnat probably).


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory.

Version 1.3.6 (November 3, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users, it corrects minor bugs in version 1.3.5.


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory.

Version 1.3.5 (September 18, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users, it corrects minor bugs in version 1.3.4 and handles a simple mechanism to propagate interruptions from a user.


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory,
  • Installed in the University of Alger (Algeria).

Version 1.3.4 (July 3, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users, it corrects minor bugs in version 1.3.3 and a significant bug in the menu cache management (multi-architecture installations only).


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI).

Version 1.3.3 (June 17, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users, it corrects minor bugs in version 1.3.2 and also has improvements due to the compilation under gnat-3.09/PC-linux-red hat 2.4 (porting not yet finished).


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI),
  • Temporary installation in Toulouse (France) for a tool demonstration in Bordeau at the FME workshop and in the ICATPN'97 conference (network problems occured).

Version 1.3.2 (Mai 02, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users (basically, tests of remote sessions).


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI).

Version 1.3.1 (March 21, 1997)

Internal version for test by selected users (basically, tests of the new menu cache system). No cache administration tool available yet.


  • A few teams in the liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI).

Version 1.3 (March 07, 1997))

New functions

  • Correction of a synchronization bug in the C API when a tool using the stdout communication mode finishes;
  • Better handling of the synchronization between the end of a shell script (using the stdout communication mode) and the session manager. Some non existing problems where sometimes detected;
  • Integration of the Param-Net formalism (resp: Isabelle Vernier). This formalism is still for internal use.
  • Correction of a bug in the shell API when the model name contains at least one space.
  • Standardized management of kit names in boths C and Ada API (shell can support it too but it is difficult to force this for compilation... there is no compilation:-(;
  • Integration of a new AMI-Net tool that computes colored place invariants;
  • Bug fixed in the when somebody connects with a non integrated formalism. Administration tools may be launched now;
  • Full handling of a connection with no user and no group (it is the case for the first connection). FrameKit now handles it (full support of a default group and a default user who have administration rights);
  • New management of root reference file for a given formalism, in order to automatically sort menu entries (signle entries first, submenus last);
  • Huge speed up when large sets of CAMI commands are sent to the Macao User Interface (for CAMI-LDF only). API are operational in both Ada and C language (no real need for shell script applications);
  • Services menus are now sent to Macao using the fast CAMI command communication procedure mentionned in previous point;
  • Small bug in accounting fixed (last operation mentionned twice, it was related to some disconnexion problem);
  • Connection with several opened models fixed (mono-session only). FrameKit now correctly handles multi-session errors in all cases if users strictly follow recovery instructions;
  • Integration of new service for AMI-Nets (cpn_invariants) by Jean-Luc Mounier;
  • Bug fixed in the session-variables management for dynamic service menu evolution (the problem occured when there was no session variable at all);
  • Both macao_proxy and session server also compiled with GNAT (3.0.7). There is still something to fix when a connection is closed (the daemon crashes:-();
  • It is not necessary any longer to declare the framekit TCP service (7001) in /etc/services. if FrameKit does not find it, it takes 7001/TCP services anyway and warns the user. This allows users to install and operate FrameKit without having to be a super user;
  • New protocol between FrameKit and Macao to signal model changes. It is safer and faster than the previous one;
  • No unexplained crash when FrameKit cannot create workspace directory for a user. An error message is displayed and disconnection performed now;
  • New locking system for administration tools. It is safer and more flexible to use it now;
  • Discrete languages may be specified when an administration tool is invoked under Unix;
  • ISO characters are displayed when tools are running under Unix in standalone mode;
  • Installation and uninstallation procedure on the Web (forms for both bug report and password demand). instalation on site is performed by a dedicated tool, admin_kit which manages :
    • preparation of FrameKit directories ' tree,
    • aided construction of a kit (tool-kit, platform-kit, formalism-kit or custom-kit),
    • installation of kits,
    • uninstallation of kits,
    • WARNING: deletion of kits not yet completed.


  • liP6 Laboratory (previously MASI),
  • First version available on the Web.

Version 1.2.2 (August 20, 1996)

New functions

  • New elements introduced in the generic tool main program (in Ada, C and Shell) : tool name, tool version and tool copyright. This enables a uniform presentation of this information. Enhanced error handling in the Ada generic tool main program by mean of dedicated exceptions.
  • New invocation mode to get the API versions (Ada, C and Shell). This will be usefull for the planned automatic installation procedure.
  • Reconnection problem after a bad password or user Id fixed.
  • Full implementation of service conditions (introduced in version 1.2 "ß3"). Application to the services menu of formalisms AMI-Nets, H-COSTAM and OF-Class in CPN-AMI 2.0.
  • Merge of the mono-session version and the multi-session version (it was not the case for historical reasons). Maintenance of a mono-session version is of interest to reduce the number of opened unix fifo (when the maximum is reached, blocking sutiations may be raised).
  • Better handling of many errors (connection with a model that belong to a non installed formalism, the user has no right to any service, bad menu description file, protocol errors...). For "soft" errors, the connection is preserved. For "strong" errors, it is possible to reconnect without having to quit and restart Macao.
  • Complete language management. Now, both english and french are supported (messages and menus). It is possible to introduce a new language if the following operations are completed :
    • adding of a new litteral in the enumeration type that describe available languages,
    • recompilation.
    • and of course... translation of menus and messages,
  • Transmission of extra objects designated by the user for specifi cservices (used in the AMI-Net simulator). Warning, Ada API for clients (tools) are not implemented yet (waiting for the need;-).
  • New locking mechanism for the administration menu (mutual exclusion required to acess critical resources in the FrameKit repository).
  • Elementary accounting management for services (name of launched service, termination status, user Id, time).
  • Tools may get aestetic information from Macao.
  • Partial implementation of remote session (closed session for wich the tool continues to run). It is of interest for very long computation. The result is displayed when the user connect again with the same model opened. IUt is still disabled to the user because exploitation of remote results is not yertt fully completed. However, it will run if the following constraints are respected :
    • The tool cannot perform interactive actions (dialog boxes) during its remote execution (nobody is here to answer),
    • no session close when Macao is transmitting the model to FrameKit (it is too early),
    • It is impossible to open a session related to the model until the remote execution ends (a lock is managed by FrameKit and prevent such an event)


  • MASI Laboratory,
  • DESS GLA (Master program, Univ. Paris VI) for teaching purpose.

Version 1.2.1 (April 24, 1996)

New functions

  • Integration of the final H-COSTAM formalism (resp: Fabrice Kordon).
  • Integration of the final OF-Class (textual )formalism (resp: Alioune Diagne).
  • Introduction of log messages from a FrameKit administrator (it is displayed once at the next connection). Implementation of an administration tool that enable an easy use of this new feature.
  • Execution information is displayed to the Macao user interface at the end of each service execution.
  • New mechanisms (elaborated in cooperation with Bruno Pennec) to manage several FrameKit platform using the same repository:
    • New notion of FrameKit architecture (it corresponds to a couple <hardware,OS>),
    • Management of access right to services after users, groups and architectures (if a tool is not available, it does not have to be proposed);
    • Totally enhanced formalism management (a "rewriter" can now be associated to a formalism to insure standardization of produced results);
    • New notion of secondary standard (conventions on th formalism semantic and results storage).
  • New enhanced versions of user, group and formalism administration tools (implemented by Bruno Pennec, a master's student).
  • Some protocol update between Macao and FrameKit (to insure safety of the connexion, and to manage coerent versions between API's and the user interface).
  • Enhanced Ada API for model management.
  • New elementary script shell API, usefull for experimenting quicker tool integration when executable files cannot be modified.
  • New elementary C API for tool design.


  • MASI Laboratory,
  • Temporary installation in Osaka (Japan) for a tool demonstration in the ICATPN'96 conference.

Version 1.2 "§4" (November 2, 1995)

New functions

  • FrameKit now available on Solaris 2.4. It seems to work satisfactorily. Modifications are all concentrated on the unit that encapsulate the operating system.
  • NMS no longer available for communications in FrameKit.
  • Integration of the AMI-Net formalism (resp: Jean-Luc Mounier).


  • MASI Laboratory,
  • LAFORIA Laboratory (Université Pierre & Marie Curie) for a student project ,
  • Temporary installation in the University of Passau (Germany) for a tool demonstration in the TACAS'96 conference.

version 1.2 "§3" (October 14, 1995)

New functions

  • First attempt to introduce service preconditions : lot of work is done but nothing is operational yet. Implementation stopped for lack of time before planned demonstration in TACAS'96.
  • New conventions for model storage in the FrameKit repository.


  • MASI Laboratory

Version 1.2 "§2" (September 1st, 1995)

New functions

  • Compile with GNAT (still some runtime related problems but the source is now Ada-95).
  • Ada API optimization (new lists managers) and finalization (enhanced encapsulation).
  • Definition of an Ada generic main for tool design (integration of student projects).
  • Primitive administration tool for formalism management.
  • Management of premature end of C executable files when they dump a core and thus, do not respect the FrameKit communication protocol.


  • MASI Laboratory.

version 1.1 "§1" (June 17, 1995)

New functions

  • First version of ADA API (useful for tools design and implementation). They perform model manipulation (potentially hierarchical), basic communication with the user interface and acces to the FrameKit repository.
  • Common invocation trategy for both FrameKit and tool processes.
  • First version of the FrameKit invocation script.
  • Multi-session management (several models openned at a time).
  • Dynamic management of model version during one session.
  • Integration of users and groups administration tools.


  • MASI Laboratory,
  • University of Caen (mono-session version only, for a student project).

Version 1.1 "alpha1" (April 19, 1995)


  • First experimental version. It supports one session (opened model) only.
  • Service description performed using a description language. The service description can be split into discrete files.
  • Users, groups and formalisms management by means of primitive tools (not yet integrated in FrameKit)
  • Possibility to associate a "verifier" to a formalism. It is automatically launched if necessary.
  • Very first management of model version (between two connections only).
  • Tool communication by means of either unix fifo, unix files or NMS (Network Message Server), a message server that was implemented by Karim Foughali.


  • MASI Laboratory,
  • University of Caen (for a student project).